
INDIA: Global Vacc al-shifa approved as world’s first HIB Halal certified preventive medicine


MUMBAI: The Organisation of Islamic Cooporeation (OIC) approved (on Thursday, 19 December 2013) the Halal certification accorded to KR Biologial Pte Ltd – Global Vacc al-shifa HIB Vaccine known by its brand name by Chennai based Halal India last year making it as the world’s first Halal HIB vaccine.

“The world was not aware that the current HIB vaccine which is a pharmaceutically critical vaccine, for Muslim Children was still using pork components in the vaccine manufacture. Pork components were used at the fermentation stage of the organism”, Halal India spokesperson A. Abdul Wahaf said while talking to

“GlobalVacc Al-Shifa HIB vaccine for babies has removed the pork components and make sure all the ingredients used were Halal compliant”, he said.

“Halal India auditor Abdul Hannan and shariah auditor has visited the premises of the world largest vaccine manufacturer Serum Institute of India at Pune, inspected the factory and verified it as halal after exhaustive due diligence”, he added.

“There are no non Halal ingredients used in the HIB vaccine. Halal India shariah Board has given a fatwa about the GlobalVacc Al-Shifa HIB vaccine for Muslim babies, is halal. KR Biological Director Ragu has supported and co-developed the process for it to being Halal compliant, from the manufacturing plant to the raw materials”, he said.

“They are also working on other Halal compliant vaccines for the Muslim population which are under development, like the Meningitis ACWY135 vaccine, HPV vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Polio vaccine, Typhoid vaccine and many more”, he added.

Ragu, Global Vacc Alshifa HIB Vaccine brand owner, said, “Halal has always been a better way of doing anything. To integrate this Halal concept into vaccines was always a challenge because a lot of Pharma companies look at bottom lines and would not consider going the extra mile in sourcing for ingredients which are Halal.”

“To combine the scientific aspect and the Halal effect was laborious and required the assistance of a Pharma giant who would believe that this was always possible. It required a lot of research on the suitability of the vaccine to be made Halal and of course to get the right Auditors who also happen to be scientists, like Hannan, a trained microbiologists who understood the raw sciences and the Halal perspectives”, he added.

“We are very proud to announce the first Halal vaccine for Muslim children and our first step in giving the world Halal Vaccines”, he said.

*This article was published on 21 December 2013 by Read the original article here.

