
UK: Muslim tribunal warns mosques on halal certifier


The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) has sent a letter to 1,400 mosques across the UK, warning them to avoid meat products certified by the Halal Food Authority (HFA).

The letter pointed to the fact that the pastry products at the centre of the recent contamination scandal, which were manufactured by McColgan Quality Foods and found to contain pork DNA, had been certified as halal by the HFA.

It said the incident had raised “serious and pertinent” questions regarding the HFA’s halal auditing process, including what traceability steps had been carried out by the HFA to ensure the meat had been halal, whether any pork-based products had been manufactured at the site, and what measures were included in the HFA auditing process to prevent cross-contamination at all stages of production.

*This article by Carina Perkins was published by Read the full article here.

