Malaysia’s Halal Development – NGOs & Consumer Groups need to play their part

There has been much said about the current Halal standards and practices in Malaysia and indeed around the world.

One thing is certain, if Malaysia wants to take a leading role in the world’s Halal market, non-governmental organisations and consumer groups need to play their part.

But some serious questions need answering:

  • Who are these groups and what have they really done so far for the industry?
  • What are these groups doing to promote Halal standards in Malaysia?
  • Are these organisations effective links between the government and the people?
  • What role and powers, if any, should they have in the emerging Halal market?
  • Should consumer groups act as a watchdog for the community?

We believe that these groups have a very important role to play in the establishment of the Halal marketplace. As Halal is such an important and issue, the influence NGOs have on their members and the public should be wisely used to benefit those they claim to protect. In the next issue we will go into detail and examine the role of some leading organisations that are involved in the issue of Halal standards.

**This article was first published in The Halal Journal Pilot Issue (August 2004).

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